Call us today! 301-909-4606

Reach your goals with personalized in-home training.

Experience the convenience and effectiveness of in-home personal training. Our certified personal trainer brings fitness to your doorstep, making it easier than ever to prioritize your health. Or if you prefer, you can also get personal training at our office.

With customized workout routines that fit your goals and preferences, you’ll receive one-on-one guidance to maximize results while maintaining comfort. Whether new to fitness or seeking to elevate your routine, our in-home personal training service offers the motivation and expertise you need.

Package Prices

The introductory price for people who sign up between July 12 to October 12, 2023 for their first three months is $65.00. After October 12, the rate goes to the normal rate of $75.00.

The sessions are 50 minutes.

We offer the following packages with the same timeframe:

  • $170 for 3 sessions
  • $340 for 6 sessions
  • $510 for 9 sessions

All payments have to be paid in advance before the session or at the beginning of the session.

Clients will have to complete a training contract. Contract duration is in 3, 6, 9, or 12 months.

We accept cash or credit cards.

Note: Payments are not refundable.

Want to know more? Send us a message or give us a call.